Social Responsibility

The "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" plan issued by the United Nations includes 17 core goals and hopes to implement 8 goals through 15 years of efforts: eradicating poverty and hunger, universalizing basic education, promoting gender equality, and reducing child mortality. rate, improve maternal health, fight viruses, promote environmental sustainability and global partnerships.
POSHY Studio takes the United Nations' SDGs as the standard for corporate social responsibility, actively promotes social feedback activities that are in line with the specific goals of the SDGs, and is committed to helping Hong Kong achieve "economic growth", "social progress" and "environmental protection" goals.
[POSHY Studio can achieve the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 11th SDGs through its services]

Goal 1 - No Poverty
By providing an appropriate and safe living environment for the elderly through professional knowledge and resources, POSHY Studio can reduce the risk of poverty and homelessness among the elderly.

Goal 2 - Good health and well-being
The services of POSHY Studio can improve the quality of life of the elderly, reduce the risk of accidental injuries and health problems, and promote the well-being of the elderly and their caregivers.

Goal 4 - Quality Education
The professional team at POSHY Studio provides education and training to the elderly and caregivers, ensuring inclusive and equal quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for everyone.

Goal 5 - Gender Equality
POSHY Studio ensure home safety for the elderly are equitable and accessible regardless of gender, race or social status, helping to achieve gender equality.

Goal 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
POSHY Studio provides appropriate homes and living environments for the elderly, helping to build more inclusive and sustainable cities and communities.
Providing home safety services for the elderly not only helps improve their quality of life but also contributes to the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to health, no poverty, education, gender equality and urban sustainability.